Welcome to Minster Christian Centre

Minster is an independent evangelical church conveniently located between Roath Park and Newport Road. We have Sunday services, homegroups, and prayer meetings throughout the week. We aim to support you in your Christian walk through faithfully preaching the bible. At Minster, whoever you are, you will receive a genuinely warm welcome. We’re made up of ordinary people from many different backgrounds who share a common faith in Jesus Christ.

Worship Services

Join us for our main gatherings as a church family, where we meet to sing, read the bible, and hear it being preached.

Sunday mornings at 10:30am

Worship service with a crèche and Sunday School, followed by refreshments. 

This service is usually livestreamed on YouTube - you can watch live or listen back to services you might have missed!

Sunday evenings at 6:00pm

A slightly less formal gathering, often with an opportunity to ask questions.

On the first Sunday of the month, the 6pm service is 3pm at Thomas Court Retirement Home.

Spring 2025

Morning Services: 

We're currently spending time in the Old Testemant book 'Exodus'. We're going to be hearing about how God brings justice and rescue in the face of evil, God's commitment to an uncommited people, and God's faithfulness to his promises. Whether you're a seasoned churchgoer or simply curious, come along to find out all about it!

Evening Services:

Our evenings are currently in the book of 1 Timothy. Come along at 6pm on a Sunday to get in on the action!

*the first Sundays of each month are services run at Thomas Court Residential Home, which run on a separate programme - get in touch if you'd like to know more.


MinsterCafe is a warm social space to meet up for a cuppa, often with planned (but optional) entertainment ranging from crafts to poetry readings, quizzes to table tennis – all free! 

Join us between 11am and 12-noon for a cuppa and catch up with friends - we'd love to welcome you!

More about Minster

If you want to find out more about us, check out What We Believe to see our core beliefs. You can take a look at our Leaders section to learn more about our Pastor, Elders, and Deacons. Or you're welcome to take a look at our History, to see how we got to where we are now. Of course, the best way to find out what Minster is like is to come along - so we look forward to welcoming you!


Minster is part of a UK-wide family of churches called the FIEC (Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Chuches).

The FIEC is not a denomination, but is a fellowship of churches that hold to certain beliefs and practices (see What We Believe) and work in partnership together. Minster also partners with other churches and organisations that have the same commitment to sharing the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ.